Sights & Sounds
Viktor's Tale
by John Williams
from "The Terminal"
(give it a sec to load)
from Catherine McMichael's
Eclectic Trio
Los Angeles Clarinet Choir
Elegy - Eric Winstead
Los Angeles Clarinet Choir - "Nightmare 2020"
Capriccio Español
Los Angeles Doctors Symphony
Los Angeles Clarinet Choir World Premiere at International ClarinetFest 2017 (live recording)
Hajdu's Niggun by Matti Kovler
Los Angeles Clarinet Choir conducted by Jonathan Russell in his "Eleven"
Caltech Clarinet Choir, directed by Lynne Snyder
Slow Loris, by Jonathan Russell

Caltech Clarinet Choir
Caprice by Clare Grundman


Arcadia High School Music Camp 2017 - Superhero Clarinet Section! Photo credit: Arcadia Music Club

These go to 11

Post-performance at International ClarinetFest 2017

Orquestra Potiguar de Clarinetas and Richard Stolzman playing around!

Il Convegno at Thorne Hall

with composer Matti Kovler post-performance at the Pasadena Conservatory of Music

Conducting the Caltech Clarinet Choir in lovely Thorne Hall at Occidental College

Los Angeles Clarinet Choir performs at International ClarinetFest in Austin, TX

Caltech Clarinet Choir!

Performing My Funny Paola by Antonio Fraioli at Pasadena Conservatory of Music

Los Angeles Clarinet Choir at the Norton Simon